

8.2.24 - Last Day of Summer Session
8.5.24 - First Day of School - 1st Semester


9.2.24 - Labor Day - School is Closed
9.5.24 - Open House
9.11.24 - Patriots Day
9.12.24 - Fall Picture Day


10.3.24 - Vision Screening
10.14.24 - Columbus Day - School is Open


11.3.24 - Daylight Saving Time
11.11.24 - Veteran’s Day
11.28.24-11.29.24 - Thanksgiving Holiday - School is Closed


12.5.24 - Christmas Program 7 p.m.
12.24.24-12.25.24 - Christmas Holiday - School is Closed
12.27.24 - Last Day of 1st Semester
12.31.24 - School is Closed


1.1.25 - New Years Holiday - School is Closed
1.6.25 - First Day of 2nd Semester
1.20.25 - MLK Jr. Day - School is Open


2.12.25 - Lincoln’s Birthday
2.14.25 - Valentine’s Day
2.17.25 - Presidents’ Day/Washington’s Birthday - School is Open


3.9.25 - Daylight Saving Time
3.13.25 - Spring Picture Day/Cap and Gown Day
3.17.25 - St. Patrick’s Day


4.18.25 - Good Friday Service 10 a.m. - School will be closing at 11 a.m.
4.20.25 - Easter Sunday


5.11.25 - Mother’s Day
5.22.25 - Graduation at 10 a.m.
5.23.25 - Last Day of Preschool Session
5.26.25 - Memorial Day - School is Closed
5.27.25 - First Day of Summer Session

*Dates subject to change

Vacation Policy

At Outlook Christian Preschool, we value the opportunity for families to take quality time off during the School Session or Summer Session. To ensure this process goes smoothly for everyone, we have established the following policy regarding vacation time:

  • One (1) free week of vacation is granted per session.

  • This vacation week must be used during the School Session or Summer Session.

  • It cannot be saved to be used as two consecutive weeks or as a second week during one session.

  • The vacation week consists of 5 consecutive days, from Monday through Friday.

  • This includes any holidays when the school is closed.

  • For instance, if we are closed two days for Christmas and you choose that week as your vacation credit, it will still count as your 5-day vacation credit, even though we only have 3 open days that week.

To ensure the smooth operation of our program during your vacation, we kindly ask that:

  • Your child does not attend any day of the week taken for vacation.

  • A vacation form must be completed in advance.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can streamline the vacation process and ensure that all families have equal opportunity to enjoy their free week. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this policy, please feel free to contact us. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to assisting you with your vacation plans.

Vacation Request Form